This is a wiki that was used in the development of my book, The Participatory Museum.
The book is currently being formatted with a planned final release in March 2010. You can visit the book website here. That site will feature the full text of the final manuscript here.
The wiki features the first three drafts of the text, which were written from Jan-Nov 2009. During this time, I shared my weekly progress in short updates. From Nov 3 - Dec 16, several people used this wiki to edit and comment on the third draft, which you can access via this detailed outline. During this time the updates became more detailed. From Dec 18-Jan 18, I integrated these comments into the final version of the text. From Jan 18-29, an intrepid group participated as copy-editors of the book via this page.
Thank you to all participants, who helped make this book much, much better. They are named in the book; you can meet some of them on the Awesome Helpers page.
This draft does not include illustrations, photographs, or citations. I apologize for the condensed presentation of the text; I was working via both the wiki and a traditional word processor and the two programs were not always aligned when it comes to formatting.
Please do not excerpt any of this for use as it is all in an early draft form. Use the final book content instead. Email me if you want to discuss using content from the site.
Comments (3)
Patricia Sabine said
at 4:14 pm on Jul 8, 2009
The design and participation page you posted this morning is reading very well and uses potent example to illustrate concepts. Congratulations
hadrasaurus said
at 3:56 pm on Nov 11, 2009
The book is indeed large and it is a little difficult to follow in this online format (My guess is that the printed version will be easier for some readers). Each section could probably use some transition text/ orientation text, very brief summary of what was just covered, and a promise for what is to come.
Many readers will skim headings and summary points to find parts that are of particular interest to them even once they are inside the main text and away from the outline/table of contents. Some readers will be looking for guidance on what are the tree most important ideas in this section.
I imagine that some of the visual "furniture" of an illustrated book will provide these wayfinding guideposts, but the text should support that too.
Overall, your work is a fairly sequential development of the ideas being presented. Some readers will want a sense of how far they have gone and how much further there is to go. The abovementioned items should help them too.
Since the book is part underlying concepts, part examples from field and literature, part cautions or warnings (lessons learned, tips, etc.), and part "how-to" or "homework" assignments. It may be useful to distinguish among these these.
HMSaid said
at 5:31 pm on Jan 25, 2010
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